Great American Leaders - First Grade History SOL 1.2

Check the links below for some great resources for our Great American Leaders, SOL 1.2!

1.2 - The student will describe the stories of American leaders and their contributions to our country,with emphasis on George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

- Essential Understandings:
  • Important deeds were accomplished by people who became American leaders.
-Essential Questions: 
  • What contributions do we remember that were made by George Washington,  Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and Eleanor Roosevelt? 
- Essential Knowledge:
Terms to know: 
  • contribution: The act of giving or doing something. 
People to know: 
  • George Washington: He was born in  Virginia. He was a farmer. He became a brave leader of soldiers. He was the first president of the United States. He is known as the “Father of Our Country.” 
  • Benjamin Franklin: He proved that electricity was present in lightning through his kite experiment. He started the first library and the first volunteer fire department in America.
  • Abraham Lincoln: He was born in a log cabin. He taught himself how to read. He became a president of the United States. He was known as “Honest Abe.” 
  • George Washington Carver: He was an African American who studied science and plants. He became a teacher. He developed hundreds of uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. 
  • Eleanor Roosevelt: She was a leader for equal rights for all people. She volunteered for many organizations.
- Essential Skills:
  • Use information from print and nonprint sources. 
  • Use resource materials. 
  • Gather and classify information.