SOL 1.10 - The student will apply the traits of a good citizen by
a) focusing on fair play, exhibiting good sportsmanship, helping others, and treating others
with respect;
b) recognizing the purpose of rules and practicing self-control;
c) working hard in school;
d) taking responsibility for one’s own actions;
e) valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others;
f) participating in classroom decision making through voting.
Essential Understandings:
- Good citizens show a variety of positive traits.
- Rules are made so that everyone is treated fairly.
- Good citizens help make decisions in their classrooms by voting when the chance is provided.
Essential Questions:
- What are some traits of good citizens?
- Why are rules necessary?
- Why do people vote?
Essential Knowledge:
Students can demonstrate good citizenship by
- playing fairly
- exhibiting good sportsmanship
- helping others
- treating others with respect
- recognizing the purpose of rules
- practicing self-control
- working hard in school
- taking responsibility for one’s own actions
- valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others
- participating in classroom decision making.
Reasons for rules:
- To protect rights of people
- To suggest good behavior
- To keep people safe
Reasons for voting:
- To voice your self-interest
- To take part in the process
Essential Skills:
- Make decisions based on information.
- Differentiate between points of view held by self and others.
- Participate in groups and democratic society.
- Follow oral and written directions.