Geography SOL 1.4

SOL 1.4 - The student will develop map skills by
a) recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and roads;
b) using cardinal directions on maps;
c) identifying the shapes of the United States and Virginia on maps and globes;
d) locating Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and Richmond, the capital of
Virginia, on a United States map.

Essential Understandings:
  • Symbols and cardinal directions are used to determine where objects and places are located on maps and globes.
  • The United States and Virginia can be identified by their shapes on maps and globes.
  • The locations of the capital cities of Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia, are identified by specific symbols.

Essential Questions:
  • How are land, water, cities, and roads shown on a map?
  • What are the cardinal directions?
  • Where is the United States located on a globe?
  • Where is the United States located on a world map?
  • Where is Virginia located on a United States map?
  • Where are the capital cities of Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia, located on a United States map?
Essential Knowledge:
Terms to know:
  • map: A drawing that shows what places look like from above and where they are located
  • globe: A round model of the Earth
  • symbol: A picture or thing that stands for something else
  • cardinal directions: The directions of north, east, south, and west
Map symbols to know how to identify
  • Land 
  • Water 
  • Cities 
  • Roads
  • The terms north, east, south, and west are used to determine location on simple maps.
  • Virginia and the United States may be located by their shapes on maps and globes.
  • The capital cities of Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia, may be located by using symbols on a United States map.

Essential Skills:
  • Identify and use cardinal directions. Locate areas on maps.
  • Interpret simple maps and globes. Use maps of familiar objects or areas.
  • Differentiate colored symbols on maps and globes.